Our Services
SBN Planning meets clients where they are, whether they need help with a discrete project, on-call planning to support local governments, or stewarding long-range planning initiatives. We specialize in legislative review, integrating new legislation into policy and public regulations, defining requirements, and helping clients to access funding mechanisms.
We assist private developers in navigating complex, nuanced development projects and feasibility assessments. This includes how new legislation and regulations impact private development processes from project approval through implementation
On-Call Planning Work
Tracking Current and upcoming Legislature
Legislative review and summary
Legislative gap analysis
Tailored Implementation
Presentations to Elected officials
Alternatives and Compliance Strategy
Concise interpretations
Model ordinance review and revisions
Development regulation updates
Building Permit Review - Land use and Zoning
SEPA Administration
Shoreline (SMP) Administration
Code revisions
Template and form updates
Standards updates and creation
Public Hearings
Development Regulation Gap Analysis
GIS Services Technical mapping
Demographic and Civic Analytics
Storymaps and Data Storytelling
Interactive Visualizations
Site utilization analysis
Canopy Analysis
Graphic communication and visualizations
Community survey design
Community open house/event planning
Public hearing presentations
Public meeting agendas, packet materials, and presentations
Printed and digital outreach material design
Public hearings
Noticing and OPMA compliance
Comprehensive Plan Updates
Town of Eatonville
Housing needs assessment and land capacity analysis
Compliant development regulation review
SEPA and Environmental Review
Town of Yarrow Point
Full plan rewrite for compliance and concurrency
Housing needs assessment and land capacity analysis
Work plan for development regulation and functional plan concurrency
SEPA and Environmental Review
City of Lake Stevens
Community survey, digital engagement, and event planning
Updating land capacity analysis
Regulatory Review Gap analysis of Department of Commerce, PSRC, and County requirements for plan elements
Public Engagement Community-responsive and adaptive engagement for actionable planning outcomes
Element Analyses and Updates Conducting relevant policy and quantitiative research and drafting updates for jurisdiction staff or official reviews
Climate Change Adaptive Planning Developing community-focused policies for climate change resilience and adaptation
Housing Needs Assessment Assessing community, housing, and policy conditions to develop a compliant assessment in support of long range planning
Land Capacity Analysis Analyzing existing and alternate land use conditions’ capacities for housing, employment, and population
Plan Implementation & Development Regulations Assess concurrency and compliance to develop future workplans, prioirites, and draft
Project Management Lead and coordinate with other jurisdiction consultants, plan meetings with regional partners, and collaborate with municipal staff to guide the plan through the jurisdiction’s channels for adoption.
Plan Prepatation and Adoption Conduct all relevant hearings, environemtnal reviews, andnoticing for final adoption.
Private Development
Commercial and residential development groups
Design build firms
Civil Engineers
Real estate agents
Transportation Specialists
Residential Feasibility As a service provided to both property owners and built environments professionals, we facilitate our clients making informed decisions with their properties. We excel at helping complex projects be as streamlined as possible which minimizes cost and makes your project a reality. Our aim is to help property owners and industry professionals maximize their time and resources while getting the most out of your investment.
Commercial Feasibility High-level project scoping and development team management. We aid our clients in creating and managing an effective team of professionals. Our team reviews and facilitates the land use, zoning, and permitting requirements being met while providing expertise in public engagement, presentations, and long range planning requirements for complex development projects.
Pre-Sale Feasibility Are you or your client looking to understand what can be developed on a given property? Our team can help you understand what hurdles you and your design team will need to go through in order to make your project a reality. We work closely with real estate agents and prospective buyers to understand the possibilities. We also work with many architects, engineers, and industry professionals who can help get your projects designed and built.